Healing Art

My healing art pieces are colorful creations that INSPIRE, EVOKE and HEAL. When creating my artwork I always let myself be intuitively guided by the frequency of the colors, my gut feeling and the intention I set before starting to paint. Some of the pieces were painted for my own healing process, some of them are paintings I created for clients by request.

 Feel inspired by my little collection of healing art? Contact me to learn more about my art services.


Soul Guided Collage

Soul guided collage is an expressive, creative practice done individually or in community. It lets you tap into your creative flow and intuition, enables self-discovery, and provides personal guidance.

This process is free from pressure and expectations and meets you wherever you are on this life journey. You don’t have to be an artist to create your own soul-guided collage cards. Anyone can create and enjoy this powerful practice.

Interested in going on your own soul-guided collage journey? Contact me to learn more.


Body Wisdom Art

Where art is your medicine and you are art! Body wisdom art…

… is a creative 5-step process in which you use your body as a framework to create a unique piece of art.
…is an absolutely down-to-earth, grounding process that simultaneously connects with something higher.
… is a way to hear and decipher the language of your soul.
… is intentional creativity to express the next step that is needed on your journey.
…is a professionally guided experience space where you can relax in your personal creativity and gain access to your deep inner knowledge and intuitive guidance.
…is a beautiful experience to be able to hear your art speak and receive its messages.
…is like a dance with creativity.
…is a joyful adventure that reconnects you with your inner creative child and lets them play in the garden of creativity and explore freely.
…is an adventurous journey on the waves of your personal, creative expression, full of magical surprises from your deepest essence.

Get a vivid impression of body wisdom art by viewing my personal art pieces and pictures of a body wisdom art workshop. If you are interested in going on your own body wisdom art journey contact me to learn more.


Soul Star - Divine Guidance

Earth Star - Embodied and Empowered Life

Earth Star Close Ups

Core Star - Colorful Roots and Connecting Antennas

More Body Wisdom Art Pieces

Body Wisdom Art Workshop